Friday, December 16, 2011

Writer's Block

Sorry guys, I don't know what's wrong with me. Every time I think about posting I draw a blank. I guess I'm in a slump. I'm so blocked I'm even having trouble talking about being blocked. Anyhow, here's a pictorial update of our lives- 

Family portrait commissioned by the talented Karie Jane

Family portrait in Yellow Springs, Ohio. 

Healthful eating in Springfield, Ohio.

Ceci bathing in her Grandma's old fashioned porcelain baby tub. 

Ceci 12 months ago today! I couldn't resist. 

1 comment:

  1. I love both portraits! You guys look great in the photograph.
    And, don't fret- your words and thoughts will flow when they are ready. This time of year our brains seem to be occupied by so many thoughts without adequate time to sift through them and find the gold. I hope that your family has a healthy, happy holiday and a new year filled with peace and love!


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