Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well, there's no theme behind this post except that I am deeply moved by this guy's panache. I saw this gentleman in Venice Beach a few years ago while I was vacationing in LA with friends. Really, who could be more beautiful and inspiring than this man? He's obviously highly committed to physical fitness, and he's not afraid to show off his chiseled bod. He is patriotic, and doesn't let his limited clothing prevent him from toting the essentials around. Please note the mysterious tube of pepper spray or possibly sunscreen wedged between the fanny packs. I'm going to go ahead and assume it's sunscreen, because although he is gifted with ample melanin I can tell he is sun-savvy. 
I admire self confidence, and he has it in spades. Cheers my man! Next time we cross paths I will buy you a protein shake. Until then stay awesome.


  1. You have to have some admiration for a guy willing to go in public like that...


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